Well, as promised, I now present my review of the 2014 Runner’s World Run Streak Summer Challenge! I wish I could have posted this a lot earlier, but as you can see from my previous update, the month of July basically came and went in a flash! For those who are just now checking out this blog or if you don’t know what the RWRunStreak is, check out this
post. If you really don’t feel like clicking on another post, I will break it down for you: the Runner’s World Run Streak 2014 Summer Challenge was to run at least one mile per day from Memorial Day to the 4th of July, marking a total of 40 straight days of running. This was my second time completing the summer challenge. Like any challenge it had its ups and downs. It was good, it was bad, it was ugly (ha! see what I just did there), and best of all, it was GREAT. Using the good, bad, ugly (and GREAT!) system, here goes all about my streaking experience!
THE GOOD: I have mentioned several times on here that summer isn't exactly my favorite season. I’m sure my summer-lovin’ friends are sick of me counting down the days to fall (my favorite season, obviously, mainly due to two words: pumpkin spice!). Where I live, the summers are generally very hot, but even worse VERY humid. As someone who primarily is an “after work runner” due to scheduling, it’s very difficult for me to run early to beat the heat unless I do so at an ungodly hour, like 4 a.m., which I reserve for Run Disney events only! This puts my runs at the hottest time of the day. I am not a fan of the polar vortex we experienced this past winter, but generally I’d be happier running in 30 degree weather compared to the 90s dripping with humidity we have in the summer. Enough summer complaining (because *yay* it’s almost over!). With my distaste of super-hot humid runs (yet again another thing that Run Disney enables me to naturally tolerate more), I have often found my motivation to run lacking during the summer. It was different when I had a XC season to prepare for, but since I primarily run for myself and my fitness now, I noticed I would slack during the summer months. Last year I used the RWRunStreak to hold myself accountable and MAKE myself run, and it worked! I decided to go streaking again for the 2014 Summer Challenge. I knew I needed to build my base back since it was a bit off balance due to being burnt out from Glass Slipper Challenge training, the usual sinus/allergy issues as well as a car accident that tweaked my back. I also knew with the Run Disney Tower of Terror 10-Miler race taking place in early fall that I wanted to be prepared and ready to jump into training, specifically long runs. Needless to say, it was good to have the motivation to get out there every day from Memorial Day to the 4th of July. There were days I certainly didn’t want to even just do a mile, but committing to the streak forced me to just get up and get moving. Even with some injuries and muscle fatigue, I could see a clear difference from my first to my last run of the streak. It was the perfect motivator. It also was good that the duration of the streak brought about some of this summer’s HOTTEST days, which without my goal to finish, I probably would have skipped or slacked off if I’m being totally honest. Even after a bad run or a run I’m not exactly thrilled to do, I always feel good about myself after. Rest days are nice, but I always miss the satisfaction of completing a run no matter the distance. It was nice to feel good and accomplished each day of the streak!
THE BAD: With anything, especially with a challenge, it’s not all unicorns, sunshine and rainbows. Just like the previous year of streaking, I could really feel the wear and tear of running every day in the final few weeks of the challenge. It didn’t help that I was running on a tweaked ankle, which I experienced during the
WV 5K (more on that in THE UGLY). Aside from being physically draining, it was very mentally exhausting as well. I am a runner that thrives with days off and I’ve always been this way, even when I was at my most competitive in collegiate XC and track training. The strain of no real rest day definitely got to me. There were some evenings where I came home, laid down and then got out the door for my quick mile after 9 p.m. At least I was getting in the runs, but as a person who thrives with schedule and routine, I didn’t exactly like how those late runs were completely throwing me off balance. There were days when I wondered why I chose to do the streak again. “Why am I so crazy?!” thoughts ran through my head several times! Running every day without a break is flat-out hard to do! It feels great to finish, but they call it a CHALLENGE for a reason!
THE UGLY: Now for the ugly. I won’t dwell too much here, because for the most part the RWRunStreak was a very positive experience. I probably wouldn’t need to include “THE UGLY” portion of this review if it hadn’t been for my aforementioned ankle snafu during the WV 5K. I tweaked my ankle pretty bad in that race. My own stubbornness and adrenaline came in handy, because otherwise I’m not sure I would have been able to finish the 5K if it was just a training run and not a race. It HURT. Also, normally I would have taken a few days off to give my ankle a chance to fully heal before attempting to run on it. However, I was DETERMINED to finish the streak, and with only a few weeks left, in my mind quitting wasn’t an option. I did have conditions for the streak set for myself that I would quit in the event of illness/injury, but since I could still run on my ankle thanks to the wonders of KT Tape (and my previously noted stubbornness), I forged along. I did back off my usual distances, which helped, but it was clear that my ankle snafu made the final weeks of the streak not so awesome.
THE GREAT: As I’ve said, the 2014 RWRunStreak was GOOD, BAD, and UGLY. More importantly, however, IT WAS GREAT! The positivity of the streaking experience outweighs the negativity and all the exhaustion. My ankle eventually felt better, and as I mentioned in THE GOOD, by the streak’s end my runs were significantly better than how I started. Not to mention the sense of accomplishment of being a 2014 RWRunStreak finisher made all the crappy moments worth it. It was GREAT that the streak propelled me to push through and get out there EVERY DAY for a run. It was GREAT that I was able to build my base back and be ready to jump into Tower of Terror 10-Miler training. It was especially GREAT to know that I could set a goal and work to achieve that goal regardless of the obstacles that got in the way. Best of all, it was GREAT to receive the support and encouragement through the entirety of the challenge from my family, friends and social media guys and gals, like ALL OF YOU READING THIS! Thank you to everyone who supported me in this venture. You all are what made my RWRunStreak truly GREAT!
Let me know if you are a fellow RWRunStreak finisher! I’d love to read all about your experience! Not a run streaker? That’s totally cool! I’d love to hear all about your summer running in general as well as what motivates you to get out there!