Why hello there! It’s been a bit since I last posted. Yeah yeah yeah I already missed out on my “posting once a month at least” goal, but hey, May is just a crazy busy time for me y’all! I think every May has been hectic since my school years and working years! What’s new? Well, with summer not officially but basically here it means the hot, humid, muggy weather is alive and well in West Virginia!
Unless you are new to the blog (and if so hi new friend!), you all know by now that summer isn’t exactly my favorite because it’s soooo hot. Plus when you no longer have summers off the allure is kind of gone. Not to mention most of my television shows are on hiatus. Womp womp. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy many aspects of summer like baseball, flip flops, cook-outs, the 4th of July, and sunshiny days. BUT as a runner, boooo summer. I’d rather run in 20 degrees compared to hot humid temperatures in the 80s and up!
Something about running in the humidity and heat makes me feel sluggish. And I mean I’m all about the AC this time of year and that often sounds more appealing compared to sweating my way through a run through the neighborhood. Due to these negative thoughts, my motivation to get out there can be low this time of year. However, the past two summers I’ve put in plenty of miles and stuck to my routine thanks the Runner’s World Run Streak Summer Challenge. To read about my challenge experience last summer, check out this post!
The RWRunStreak challenge officially started on Monday, Memorial Day. The rules of the challenge are to run at least one mile every day until the challenge ends on the 4th of July. That makes for a total of 41 days of running! As Runner’s World says, also 41 days of AWESOME!
My personal rules for the challenge are to continue to follow it to the best of my ability with the exception of illness/injury. I also plan to mentally stress to myself the importance of doing “only one mile” on certain days. Both years that I’ve done the challenge I’ve sometimes struggled with that because I tend to think “only a mile why not do two?” Lol! I am a firm believer that days off are important and year-round run streaking is not for me. This is why allowing myself and telling myself that it’s ok to go out and run “just a mile” is perfectly acceptable!
Only three days into the challenge and I’m already finding myself much more excited about running again! Maybe it’s the Barney Stinson in me, but sometimes I need the challenge as an extra boost. So, RWRunStreak: challenge accepted! I’ve really enjoyed doing this challenge for the past two years. I actually debated a little about doing it this year, but ultimately decided it was just what I needed!
Who all is streaking this summer? Even if you missed out on the first few days, I still encourage you to join if you need that motivation boost or if you want to try something new! Just add on the extra days after the 4th. No one is judging here! Good luck to all my fellow streakers and happy running!
Follow me on Twitter @lilrunner and/or on Instagram @lilrunner1485 for regular RWRunStreak updates!