Cinderella's Caste

Cinderella's Caste

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Missing Our MVP

Hello kind friends. Sadly, this post comes with a heavy heart. We can put this into the file of “things I never thought I’d write about.” I received some absolutely devastating news this weekend that one of my dearest friends and former teammate passed away in a hiking accident on Friday, Sept. 25. I couldn’t breathe when I heard she was gone. I instantly fell against the wall and sunk down on to the floor of my living room as if I had just been punched in the gut. Daniel rushed in to see what was wrong and I couldn’t even speak the words. If I don’t speak them it means it can’t be true right? I finally managed to actually say what happened once I caught my breath. The tears flowed and I was still in absolute shock. I just couldn’t believe or accept that my beautiful friend was gone.

Jen Kunze (Jenny Campbell) was more than just a friend. She was someone who I looked up to and always admired. I met Jenny when I was in the 7th grade and she was a freshmen at Hamilton Junior High. She was someone I just “clicked” with almost instantly. She was my teammate in track and cross country. She was also my cross country captain at Parkersburg High School. Jenny’s encouraging spirit and warm smile was a calming presence to anyone who crossed paths with her. She was nice and accepting of everyone and exuded kindness and grace. Her leadership of our cross country team was remarkable and with her constant encouragement, we won the West Virginia State Cross Country Championship in 2000.

2000 WV State Champion XC Team
That state meet in 2000 will always be part of my most cherished memories, and now 15 years later I look back on that amazing day with even more fondness. My team was actually picked to finish third, but with Jenny’s encouragement and our team’s motto to “use your heart” in the race we were the champions. Before the race started I remember Jenny saying “it’s just to the park around and back” to calm us and motivate us. “To the park around and back” was our standard route we would do in practice and something Jenny frequently referenced before meets. Jenny proved to be the true MVP that day and not only motivated her teammates, but she also used her heart and ended up finishing 22nd after being predicted to finish 41st. While we had no one place in the top ten that day, our top five runners did finish between 13th and 22nd, which shows just how much of a TEAM sport cross country is. As the picture of the article below about our race on Run WV says, Jenny’s determination and 22nd place finish was the point difference that separated us from the second place team.
Our MVP Jenny
Jenny was named the MVP of the meet by Run WV. She was indeed the MVP then but really she was the MVP for all our races as I’m not sure we could have been so bonded that season without her exceptional leadership.

I kept in touch with Jenny after high school and college as our love of running once again bonded us together. She read this blog and I always enjoyed reading her blog about her running and her adventures with her husband Nick. Even though I didn’t see her much, I still felt very close to Jenny. I do wish I had kept in better touch, but I think so many of us that knew and loved her feel the same way.

My first year in cross country. Jenny showing her bright smile
in the middle.
Jenny and I used to joke in high school that one day we would hang out at the park gazebo like the old people that would always watch us run in practice. It hurts to know she won’t be there in body, but if I am still able to I will do this someday and I will save a spot for Jenny. I know she will be there laughing with me in spirit.

I know Jenny was more to so many others too just from reading posts about her the past few days. She was an amazing daughter, wife, aunt, co-worker and more. A true bright light in this sadly often dark world. I am still very much struggling with this loss, but it has taught me that we are never guaranteed tomorrow and to always live life to the fullest with a smile like Jenny did. I encourage everyone reading this to tell people you love them and encourage someone just as Jenny would have done.

Jenny has been on my mind constantly these past few days. It was actually Jenny who convinced me to join the cross country team, which I can fully say changed my life. Without cross country I wouldn't have met half the people I know today, including my husband. It's amazing how one person can truly impact your life.

Yesterday I dedicated my run to my fallen teammate and I plan to dedicate the rest of my runs this week to Jenny. I will always treasure our memories together. My heart breaks for her husband and her family and my prayers are with them daily.

RIP beautiful friend. Always our MVP.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

FlipBelt: My New Running Essential

As a long-time runner I’ve always had to come up with creative ways to store all the “extras” I tend to need when it comes to training runs. Once I became an “adult grown-up runner” I found that I was needing to bring more stuff on runs, like my car keys or house key. For safety purposes, I’ve also grown accustomed to bringing my phone on runs. In addition, I usually need some type of fuel be it an energy gel or sports beans for my longer runs. Carrying all of these extras and making the process hassle-free was starting to become a huge annoyance.

Yes, I’ve done the key in the shoe method. While that system doesn’t change my actual run so much, the process of taking my key off the chain and looping it through my laces is annoying since I generally like to get out the door and running ASAP! I’ve also somehow tucked an energy gel in the side of my pants or shorts (yay for sweat covered wrappers right?!). Yes, I’ve risked the life of my phone by actually holding it in my hand during a run as well. I’ve tried the arm band for my phone and iPod, but none seem to fit my skinny arm well enough to suit me. And the ones that sort of do fit me tend to feel bulky and uncomfortable.

FlipBelt details!
For longer races, especially those I do for my beloved runcations via Run Disney, I always know I’m going to need a way to store my extra things that I will need while on the course. Because of this, I searched and searched for the perfect running bag. I tried on several and bought my first “running fanny pack” from Nike. While the bag itself stored many things, it really wasn’t comfortable and I found myself constantly having to adjust it during runs! Talk about annoying! The husband tried it a few times and even wore it during our Run Disney Tower of Terror 10-Miler race and agreed that it was very uncomfortable. I kept Mr. Ole Nike Fanny Pack and started to think that maybe I just wasn’t used to running with it. I ended up reading about other runners using the FlipBelt. Almost every runner that talked about their FlipBelt seemed to LOVE it. My curiosity was officially peaked! However, looking at pictures of the FlipBelt I was still extremely skeptical. I thought “yeah right how can that flimsy looking thing really hold out that stuff safely and securely?” I also wondered how on earth the FlipBelt would feel “so comfortable like it’s not even there” as so many people described.

I held back on ordering a FlipBelt for myself because I was so unsure. It wasn’t until my BRF Cailyn got one that I really started to believe that the FlipBelt was actually the magical running accessory must-have toted by so many. With my Run Disney Princess Weekend coming up, I knew I’d be able to try on a FlipBelt at the Expo so I again held off from ordering one online. I also could avoid shipping costs if I bought it at the Expo (because I’m cheap y’all!). Finally our magical runcation arrived and after we got our necessary race bibs and swag at the Expo we hit up the FlipBelt booth. I tried one on and even stuck my phone in it and jumped up and down as well as jogged in place. I am sure I looked super cool doing this! I was already amazed at how I barely felt it and my phone didn’t seem to move, but I still had a slight degree of skepticism since I tend to be overly picky about running accessories. I trust my BRF Cailyn’s opinion enough though that I decided to go ahead and purchase one in basic black. Anything over that bulky Mr. Ole Nike Fanny Pack!

The next day I wore my FlipBelt for the Frozen 5K as well as all morning and afternoon at the Magic Kingdom. I wore it the following day during the Enchanted 10K as well. The rest is history as I was now am an official FlipBelt believer! I also recently volunteered at Habitat for Humanity twice this summer and wore my FlipBelt the entire time on both days. If you aren’t familiar with Habitat, when you volunteer you are assisting in the construction of a new home. I spent my days climbing ladders, crawling underneath a house to work on plumbing, carrying and installing drywall as well as many other tasks. During this time I was able to keep my phone with me and never worried once about dropping it while I was perched on the ladder working.

I currently use my iPhone 6 with my FlipBelt

The FlipBelt basics you need to know:

Options to wear your FlipBelt: 
1. You can flip it so that the pockets are facing outwards for easier access to your items.
2. You can flip it so it faces inwards, which provides a more safeguarded approach for your items.

Either way, the FlipBelt provides awesome storage for your essentials. I tend to wear mine option 1 style, and I’ve never had an issue with my items not being secure. Sometimes if I do a hillier run, I flip it inwards just for extra security, but usually I don’t think this is necessary. It’s all a personal preference!

FlipBelts come in sizes extra small through extra large. I tried on two different sizes and opted for the bigger size since I prefer to wear my FlipBelt more right above my hips compared to my waist area. Again, that's a personal preference so choose what you are most comfortable with. In addition to my black one, FlipBelts also come in a variety of other colors, including hot pink, royal blue, neon yellow, neon green, and carbon, to name a few.

I have already converted more friends to loving their FlipBelt. So, if you are looking for an easy, non-annoying way to store your items when working out, give the FlipBelt a go! For more information, visit

All opinions are my own. I did not receive compensation from FlipBelt to write this review. I genuinely love this product.