Sunday, June 7, 2015

Race Recap: Princess Enchanted 10K

It’s now June and I still can’t stop talking about what a fabulous time I had in February at the 2015 Run Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend! I know it’s long overdue, but it’s finally time for my Princess Enchanted 10K race recap! Now is the time to Seize the 10K (you will get that reference soon)!

In addition to the 10K, I also took part in the weekend’s Frozen 5K! Check out my 5K recap here. I flew solo out to Florida to meet my friends for our annual girl’s trip at Walt Disney World for the Princess Half Marathon Weekend! In 2014 I completed the inaugural Glass Slipper Challenge, which in case you aren’t Run Disney obsessed includes the Enchanted 10K race Saturday followed by the Princess Half race Sunday. In order to change it up this year as well as save some money, the girls and I created our own princess challenge by doing the Frozen 5K Friday and the Enchanted 10K Saturday!

This also enabled me to really soak in the 10K and give my favorite race distance a more solid effort. With 10K race options so limited around me, the Enchanted 10K was only my third 10K ever! The first one was done on a track in my final collegiate race and the second was last year’s Enchanted 10K! The day before the 10K was spent doing the Frozen 5K and then walking around the Magic Kingdom (still in our fairy tutus of course) to take pictures as well as catch the ever-so awesome Festival of Fantasy Parade. Needless to say we had been on our feet quite a bit, but that enabled me to get a MUCH better night’s sleep compared to the evening before the 5K, where I maybe got one hour of restful sleep.

Newsies! Seize the 10K!!!
Even with a good night’s sleep though, morning always comes WAY TOO EARLY Run Disney style! Before we knew it our alarms were all going off at the bright and shiny hour of 2:30 a.m. and it was time to get ready to run more magical miles! It was also time to get NEWSIE-FIED! That’s right, for our 10K we decided to go against the typical princess attire for this event and opted to dress as Newsies! Our race theme was Seize the 10K (see now you get the reference!) of course, and I think this was a good theme of our entire weekend in general. Fortunately the weather seemed to be much warmer compared to the below 30 degree temps from the morning before. That being said, it was still quite chilly, especially for Florida and especially compared to 2014 when it was already 80 degrees for the 10K!

The temperature sparked some wardrobe debates as in “sleeves or not to sleeve” and “should I bring a throwaway shirt” and “should I check a bag with clothes to change into after.” Usually I do check a bag, but our plan was to go right back to the hotel after the 10K to rest a bit before hitting the parks later. After some discussion, we decided while it was still pretty cold, we could tolerate it for the race itself and that sleeves weren’t necessary. Plus our Newsie vests and Seize the 10K tanks looked cuter without sleeves underneath. And, well, fashion wins. At least when you Run Disney!

The good thing about running as a Newsie was our costumes required far less maintenance compared to our fairy outfits. We were able to get ready and out the door much quicker! We boarded our bus and off to Epcot we went! In true Run Disney fashion, the energy was already crazy once we arrived. It was still quite chilly for our “standing around” time, which can be quite a while since Run Disney requires you to be at the course so early. At this point I was regretting not bringing a throwaway shirt. It wasn’t too bad though, but I’m sure you could tell I wasn’t a local as I got some odd looks walking around in sleeveless attire while many still had hats and gloves on along with multiple layers! Hey, I had left negative temps behind at home, so in a way this was a “heat wave” for me. We occupied our time well enough to stay warm by taking a few pictures in our Newsie finest!

We eventually bid farewell and headed to our separate corrals. I was in corral A! While I have been assigned corral A at Run Disney events before, I had always jumped back to other corrals to run with someone. So, this was my first time in corral A. I was excited that my wait to start wouldn’t be long because I was chilly and ready to run! I knew once I got going I would warm up just fine as the temperature was good “running weather” by that point. I met some people who totally geeked out over my Newsie costume, which made me happy! I also enjoyed seeing other adorable costumes! I will say being in corral A I saw less elaborate costumes, but that was to be expected as this corral likely packs in more “serious” runners.

Soon enough the fireworks were going off and the race finally started! My goal for the 10K was to run at quick solid pace until I got to World Showcase at Epcot. I wanted to run faster than I normally do for Run Disney events, especially because my Tower of Terror 10-Miler experience was still fabulous even though we stopped for way less photos than usual and held a good pace. Also, since I had to hold back so much last year for the 10K due to running a half the next day, I wanted to see what I could do! Fortunately for me I didn’t have to stop for any bathroom breaks. Not just at the beginning, but the ENTIRE race. This is a first for me when it comes to Run Disney! Usually all the standing around time beforehand has me in a porta-potty within the first mile! The first part of the race through the typical Epcot parking lot tour and Disney highway went by pretty fast. It was almost a blur. I did notice NO ONE starts the race off walking in corral A compared to other corrals. I have zero problems with walkers in races, ESPECIALLY Run Disney ones, but I was glad to be able to get out quick and establish my pace without feeling like I was stepping on someone. Other than an experience with a rude “Belle” who thought it was polite to yell at other runners, things were going well at this point in the race. In fact, rude Belle probably helped me run even faster because I decided I had to pass her. Take your grouchy attitude out of my Run Disney, thank you!

Newsie and Jiminy Cricket!!!
We continued down the dark Disney highway but there were still a good number of volunteers and crowds on hand to cheer us on! The first character stop, Tinker Bell and I believe her sister (?) in their winter attire, was on the highway shortly before entering Epcot World Showcase. I was tempted to stop as the line wasn’t long AT ALL (another perk of corral A), but I wanted to stick to my plan! I passed the half way mark and before I knew it I was already entering World Showcase! As usual, World Showcase was gorgeous. It was still dark when I got there, which in my opinion made it seem more beautiful and even serene, yes, serene despite the fact that I was running alongside thousands of my “closest” friends. I had a solid pace going, but I had to stop for a quick picture with Marie from The Aristocats and of course Jiminy Cricket! Jiminy is a rare photo opportunity in the Disney Parks, so I always try to get pictures with him. My dad is a huge Jiminy fan too, so I like to get pictures to send to him! I got a quick pic with the Snow White Topiaries and took some other quick pictures before continuing on.

Enchanted 10K World Showcase fun and Boardwalk with Baseball Donald!
With my two character stops and a few random pictures, I didn’t really lose much time as the character stops were super-fast! I took in the beauty of World Showcase and headed toward another favorite place to run at Disney: the Boardwalk area! Talk about stunning! Getting to run on the Boardwalk is one of my favorite parts of the Enchanted 10K course! I was looking for baseball Goofy since I got a picture with him there in 2014, but much to my delight it was BASEBALL DONALD instead! Donald is my FAVORITE of the Fab Five and I LOVE baseball. Needless to say this made me VERY excited! Donald was my last character stop of the race, but ending it with my favorite was good enough for me!

Enchanted 10K finisher! Love the bling! So pretty!
Before I knew it was heading back into the Future World section of Epcot. I did see space Goofy and while his line was short, I opted to continue running since I was enjoying my pace and was ready to finish! I soon rounded the corner I know very well as a seasoned Run Disney-er and found myself sprinting down the finish line! I couldn’t believe the race was over! It FLEW by! I was immediately awarded my awesome finisher’s medal, which is BEAUTIFUL! Medal and all I made my way through the finish chute to grab some Poweraid, water and my snack box.

I warmed up considerably through the race and found the temperatures ideal for running, but once I was stopped I noticed my sweat was turning into that “cold sweat” feeling and I was chilly soon after. I thought about getting in line for some post-race character pictures while I waited for my girls to finish, but ultimately decided to set up camp in the finish area to wait. It was here that my great experience had a hiccup as I found myself getting pretty cold and my stomach was a bit jumbly from all the adrenaline of racing. The girls and I had been texting throughout the race to see where we all were as none of us started in the same corral. With such long breaks between corrals, it made our plans to meet at the finish a little scattered. So, with their blessing I decided to head back to the hotel to warm up and hopefully settle my tummy since we had a day of parks planned later! There was zero wait for the Port Orleans Riverside bus and before I knew it I was back to our warm room (that’s still odd to say as it’s usually “cool room” while at Disney). Fortunately a warm shower and munching on some of my goodies from the post-race snack box perked me right up!

We successfully SEIZED the 10K and were ready to enjoy the rest of our runcation at the parks! Overall I once again had a fantastic time during the Princess Enchanted 10K! This is a great course. While some tend to not enjoy the first half, I am totally cool with it. The last half through World Showcase and the Boardwalk makes up for the highway/parking lot portion tenfold. It was another great Run Disney experience and I can’t wait to hopefully be back with my girls for Princess Weekend 2016!

Mickey was proud of his girls!!!

Did you run the Princess Enchanted 10K? I’d love to hear all about your experience!

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