Cinderella's Caste

Cinderella's Caste

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

National Running Day!

Happy National Running Day! A holiday that celebrates one of my passions and promotes fitness sounds like a great idea to me! While there has fortunately been an increase in its popularity, running is a sport that's often overlooked as are runners themselves. I am happy that National Running Day is here once again to celebrate this amazing sport and this even more amazing community of people I'm happy to be part of.

As the National Running Day website says, "Be a part of National Running Day, a coast-to-coast celebration of running. On this day, longtime runners reaffirm their love of running and beginners can kick off a lifetime and life-changing commitment."

Today I plan to celebrate with a run of course (duh)! National Running Day also happens to fall within the RW Run Streak Summer Challenge, so I love the double motivation to run. For more on the challenge, check out my recent post about it here and let me know if you are streaking too. I'd also be interested in hearing why you run. I run for SO MANY different reasons! I run for basic exercise and fitness. I run to relieve the stress of the day. While I generally try to eat decent, I still love food, and I run so I can enjoy the finer things in life like pizza and cupcakes! In light of my new Run Disney addiction, I also run so I can combine my two loves of running and Disney. Running at Disney?! What could be better? I run to enjoy the outdoors. A little bit of sunshine does the body good.  When I must run on a treadmill (I'm looking at you Polar Vortex 2014), I run so I can marathon shows on Netflix that the husband doesn't exactly enjoy. I run because frankly it's a time effective exercise. Sure, long runs can take a chunk out of the day, but basic maintenance runs give me a great workout in less time than it would take me to do other things. I run because I've been doing it for so long that it's pretty much part of my routine. Most of all, I RUN BECAUSE IT MAKES ME HAPPY! (Please don't take the all caps as shouting, it's meant to be read in an excited tone lol.) I'm not always all sunshine and rainbows, but I do choose to be happy, and running is something that helps me be happy!

I hope all my fellow runners have a Happy National Running Day! No matter your level of fitness or how many miles you log, enjoy your run today rain or shine. Even on the days I'm not as motivated, I am always thankful that I am able to run, and on National Running Day I am extra grateful! If you aren't a runner, but have always wanted to start, today is the perfect time to do so! If you aren't really into running at all, I still encourage you to get out there and walk, bike or do something active today.

Let me know how you are celebrating National Running Day!


  1. Happy Hot National Running Day! Holy crap that was a hot one...

  2. I run to RunDisney. That is all.

  3. Hobo Dan: Yes, yes, yes it was so hot today. Thank you for joining me on the run even though we both could barely speak due to the major humidity and lack of breeze.

    Cailyn: of course! That is a part of why I run that's ended up costing me more but I mean it's Disney and running. And they have dole whips there. Enough said.
